Sunday, June 11, 2006


On a good day, I think about the ways we've been lucky:

I feel lucky that our over-cautious rookie of a GP didn't turn us away when I dragged T. into her surgery only eight months after I went off the pill; and probably less than six months after we started actively TTC, complaining that we weren't pregnant yet.

I feel lucky that the issue was picked up while there was still a few boys in there to freeze.

I feel lucky that given that we have to go the ART route, we've managed to bypass most of the time-and-money-and-hope-eating stages in between, and progress directly to the infertility treatment big guns - IVF with ICSI. I remember Jenny (at least I think it was Jenny) once calling it Zero to IVF in Sixty Seconds.

I feel lucky that we didn't wait any longer to start trying for a baby, considering the fact that I (apparently) have time on my side.

I feel lucky that I live in a country where Gonal F is subsidised by the government, and that public health insurance will pay about half of my clinic fees. That even though we have no private health insurance, IVF is still not out of our price range entirely.

I feel lucky that T's ultrasound came back free of tumours.

I feel lucky that technology even makes this possible.

I feel lucky to have been born in a time and place where I am not stigmatised for being barren (such an offensive word, really, isn't it?) just because T. has two children from the good ol' days when his testicles still worked.

And it's a funny kind of lucky. But it's better than nothing.


At 9:57 PM, Blogger Bea said...

It's lovely to be in the frame of mind where you can sit back and count your blessings. I hope it lasts. It is a funny kind of lucky.

As for interiors... I've replied to your comment on my blog (didn't want to hijack yours!)


At 10:11 PM, Blogger Thalia said...

As you say, it's a funny kind of lucky. But I'm glad you get to see it for what it is.

At 2:12 AM, Blogger Mary Ellen and Steve said...

What a good way of looking at all of this! Your right though it is a funny kind of lucky.

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Lut C. said...

I'm glad you're in a positive frame of mind. And very happy T's scan went well.

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its kind of what I would call a left handed kind of lucky. A lucky you don't want to know enough about to appreciate, you know? Thinking of you and planning my move so I can get some help with my Gonal F.

At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovin' this post....

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Serenity said...

Thank you for this post. A funny lucky, yes, but nonetheless sometimes it's nice to remember what we should be thankful for.

At 2:06 AM, Blogger Kate said...

That was a really nice post. Sometimes it is good to remind yourself of all the good things.

At 2:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is important to remember the good things in our lives because I think that we get caught up in all the negative. Thanks for a such a nice post reminding me of what I have to be lucky about!

At 4:55 AM, Blogger x said...

It was me that said the zero to IVF thing - it's so true. Sometimes I wish I could have done IUI but then I feel lucky not to have gone through the money/hope sucking stage. I am a little bit jealous of the coverage in Australia. You guys are already hogging all the

At 5:32 AM, Blogger Hopeful Mother said...

Yep, I feel the same way. I think we all have a "hope allowance" and I am thankful that mine is going to be used on something with a snowball's chance of actually working... though I am also a little jealous of the IFers who "get" to try Clomid or IUIs first... oh well, as you say, it's a different kind of lucky, but still lucky.

Hope you're doing well... I'm still hanging in there on the Lupron (only a few headaches so far) and going for my next scan on Wed. to see if we are going to start the stims...

At 7:14 AM, Blogger Alli and Frankie said...

Am preparing to (mentally) make my own "lucky" list. :)

At 7:59 AM, Blogger projgen said...

Way to inspire, Meg! Even at our "downest" we have things to be thankful for. Thanks for the reminder.

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Shauna said...

We need to remember all the reasons we're lucky even though it's hard so much of the time.


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