Monday, May 22, 2006

sans car

Sometimes I think I should just be one of those women who doesn't do driving. (I have an aunt who's one of these. Though I never got a clear answer about why.)

Fact is, I am just a crap driver.

I have had three as close to major as you get without people getting hurt accidents and countless mini-bingles with poles and the like. I'm not exaggerating either. I really have lost count.

I am surprised anyone will even insure me.

T. is so used to it, that this afternoon, he didn't even really get mad. Instead, he said: Oh, you were about due for one, and gave me a hug.

And I needed it.

I was a frightful sight.

I was hysterical. Absolutely hysterical.

I just remember pointing at the remains of the car and screaming (yes, literally screaming) about how I am about to do IVF and we can't afford this shit and something to the effect of: thanks a fucking lot, this is my chance to be a mother do you understand this is my mother-fucking baby you have just destroyed you have just killed my child.

I might have been going a bit overboard of course.

But still.

Being sans car is hardly an ideal state of affairs right now.


Moral of the story is:

The little red hatchback is gone.

Goodbye little red hatchback. Such a long, tenacious life you led.

nd then I find myself sitting here faced with the prospect of trying to think about how this could possibly be a good thing.

So ok.

Here we go:

Number 1: I am off the road. This is blessing in itself, I would say

Number 2: The car was a piece of crap anyway (well, it was after four years of me). It wasn't far from death, and we had been spending a lot of money just keeping it on the road

Number 3: We will spend less on petrol/rego/insurance and help the planet by using less of its precious natural resources (!)

Number 4: I can get lots of marking done on public transport that I would otherwise procrastinate (like now)

Number 5: I will now have to wait for buses in the cold, which means I will have a reason to wear all the many retro winter coats that I have collected over the years.

And I'm not sure that makes up for it.

But it's going to have to do.


At 10:21 PM, Blogger Cass said...

Dude, that is so not cool.

If I had a car myself I would offer to help in some way...

At 12:30 AM, Blogger M said...

oh no, you poor thing! The main thing is that you are okay and it's just a car. I've been in that situation and it's bloody scary. I couldn't even get onto public transport for a while - too much stopping and starting would make me panic and start hyperventillating.

I'm a crap driver too - always want to look out the window at the passing scenery instead!

At 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, crap. I'm sorry about the wreck and the loss of the little red hatchback. I'm very glad you're ok, though.

At 1:16 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Good thing you are OK! Too bad about the car. Hopefully public transportation is not too bad where you live.

At 5:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rest in peace little red hatchback.Glad you weren't hurt. can you tram it?

I'm a non driver welcome to the world of window gazing and back seat driving,I have my license just too damn lazy to drive I like be driven around plus melb has fairly decent public transport if I need to scoot out when my driver is sulking.

At 6:08 AM, Blogger Lut C. said...

What a relief that you're okay!

At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are okay, although I do have to say my reaction (down to the last word) would have been the same. I almost chuckled in self recognition, but I had to keep reading to make sure you were okay. Poor Little Red Hatchback.

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Bea said...

Did you really tell the person they'd killed your child? Because - wow! Not often you get a chance to pull something that powerful on someone in a fit of anger!

Seriously, though - I admire your brave attempt at finding the light in the darkness. I hope your retro clothes are way cool.


At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a little weird considering you were saying just the other night "I'm going to drive it into the ground, keep it until it dies". I guess it is officially dead now.

At 11:54 PM, Blogger x said...

I am sorry about the accident. I hate driving, it's a bit of phobia for me. Good for you for looking on the bright side. Gas and insurance cost too damn much these days anyway!

At 10:21 AM, Blogger projgen said...

holy cow, I'm glad you're (physically) okay, Meg. Sorry about the little red hatchback. I'm just glad it was the car you were screaming at, and not, y'know, the other drivers.

Have fun wearing all your retro coats!

At 5:40 PM, Blogger Thalia said...

My husband and I have got into the habit of him always driving and me never. Since I don't have to drive to get to work, this works fine. Although I used to be a pretty good driver, at this point I think I'm rubbish. I'm glad that you're ok, if the accident totalled the car it must have been quite serious. I'm not surprised you were a mess.


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