Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Tagged by Vee, I was.

So here, in lieu of anything useful to say (aside from "My period came today which means the process is starting soon and I am feeling really shitscared. My God, I can't tell you.") I will complete the distraction-meme as instructed.

Yes. That's what I'll do. Uh-huh.

Five items in my fridge:
1. Open cans of dog and cat food
2. Dry yeast
3. A bag of wilting baby spinach
4. A tube of wasabi
5. A very large jar of South Australian pickled onions (A gift from my in-laws. Don't ask.)

Five items in my closet:
1. Two fold up spring camp beds
2. My Year 12 formal dress (like I'll ever fit into that again)
3. A quilting mat and rotary cutter
4. Ugly 90s platform sneakers
5. A very old scanner that cost a lot at the time

Five items in my car:
N/A (*Sigh* It would have been an entertaining one too, as anyone who knows me In Real Life will tell you.)

Five items in my handbag:
1. A spiral notebook and assorted stationery
2. Lip Balm
3. My jar of Chinese stinkyherbs
4. Old bus tickets.
5. My last stash of the sadly discontinued Eclipse gum

And you know what? Make sure you fully link-istrate your memes.

That's when the distraction factor really kicks in.


At 7:51 PM, Blogger ColourYourWorld said...

Ahh you are a legend ! The links are an added bonus...well done.

Great to hear the process is about to start soon.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger katty said...

I wanted to see the formal dress!
As for link-istrating... it's opened up a whole new world of procrastinating and work avoiding...
Good luck with this cycle, Meg.

At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicely done, dear Meg! I am now not thinking about your cycle at all. At all.

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Bea said...

Ok, Vee - you know I said a few days? Make it a few more... gotta link it up good.

Meg - hope you're good and distracted. Bet you hardly sweat with fear about your upcoming cycle at all whilst doing that, huh?

It's all getting close now.


At 11:02 PM, Blogger StellaNova said...

What the ...? I have no idea what you're actually talking about there.

Looks like I'll be a month behind you for this cycle. I think?

Get ready for the big guns!


At 1:04 AM, Blogger Shauna said...


That's my favourite word for the day.


At 3:46 AM, Blogger x said...

I am still curious about the car. No links or anything - come on, no fair!

At 5:58 AM, Blogger Serenity said...

Boo - I very much wanted to see your formal dress! (I know, give us a link and we'll take a mile).

I can relate to the shitscared feeling about the upcoming cycle 1000%... hang in there.

And stay distracted in the meantime!

At 7:59 AM, Blogger projgen said...

Cycle? What cycle? What is a cycle? uni, bi, tri?

There. Distracting enough?

"link-istrate" - Hahahaha! My new favourite word!

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Hopeful Mother said...

I can't believe Eclipse gum has been discontinued in OZ.

Is it illegal for me to send you some in the mail?

My favorite is Polar Ice. I carry it everywhere with me.

I also really like the Orbit commercials - but have never tried it. I really like the girl saying "No matter what!" Do you have Orbit in OZ?


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